
Museum Hours: 9AM to 4PM • Open 7 days, Monday - Sunday

Support the Museum

Help preserve local history! Join us by supporting the mission and vision of the Museum. There are several ways to show your support:


Donations are welcomed to support the mission and objectives of the Superstition Mountain Museum for present day, and years to come. Cash donations to express your appreciation for a particular exhibit, event, or service provided can be made at donation boxes located at several venues on the museum grounds. "Rounding up" your purchases in the gift shop helps us as well as using our on-line donation form associated with our annual appeal campaign.  Click HERE for that option and thank you for your support.  No matter which way you do it or how much it is, every bit helps us go on with our mission.

Become a Member:

Click on the icons below to open a membership form, fill in the name and email address of the person receiving the membership, and pay on-line using your credit card or PayPal.

By becoming a member, you support the Museum and at the same time gain the many benefits of being a member. Membership options are Shown below:

All Memberships are on an annual cycle, starting on the date the application and fee is paid and ending 1 year later.

INDIVIDUAL - $45 (SM6656)
Unlimited free admission for named member only to gallery.
Two free admission cards for immediate family.

SENIOR - $35 (SM6657)
Unlimited free admission for named member only to gallery.
Two free admission cards for immediate family.

FAMILY - $75 (SM6659)
Unlimited free admission for immediate family members to gallery.
Four free admission cards for family and friends.

PATRON - $250 (SM6660)
Unlimited free admission for member and immediate family to gallery and special events.
Eight free admission cards for Friends/family.

DUTCHMAN'S CLUB - $1,000 (SM6661)
Unlimited free admission to gallery and special events for immediate family.
16 free admission passes for friends or family.

BUSINESS SPONSOR - $5,000 (SM6662)
Unlimited free admission to gallery and special events for immediate family.
Advertisement in -  The Messenger.
A Booth at each of our main event weekends to advertise your product and services.

All Membership levels include:

  • 10% discount on gift and book items in Gift Shop and 20% off jewelry.  No sales tax!
  • Arizona Museum Partnership Program - free admission and 10% off in stores of participating museums: Cave Creek Museum, Rim Country Museum & Zane Grey Cabin, River of Time Museum and Rosson House Museum.
  • Digital subscription to the member newsletter - The Messenger.
  • Special previews to new exhibits.

How to Become a Member:

  1. Online: Purchase your membership online by clicking on either button at the top of the page or the membership icons above.
  2. In-person: Print your completed Membership Application and bring it into the museum with your payment (we also have them in the museum).
  3. By Mail: Print your completed Membership Application, then mail it with your payment to the museum.

We look forward to you becoming a Member!

Become a Volunteer:

For more information, visit our Become a Volunteer page!

Museum Shop - General Store:

What a wonderful way to support the Museum by making a purchase either online, or in-person at our well-stocked Museum Gift Shop, where the variety provides you several opportunities for gifts! Be sure to allow time to look over all the varieties of items in our air conditioned gift shop. Also, be sure to visit the General Store in the Apacheland Barn, where you can find many gift items as well as a cold soft drink to enjoy while touring our outside exhibits. Purchases at the Museum Shop and/or the General Store directly support the Mission and Vision of the Museum. Be sure to see our Museum Shop items available online, and have them delivered to your door!

Upcoming Events

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