Deep Fault


by Ron Feldman

The story centers around Ron Feldman, wilderness guide, novelist and treasure hunter. Ron is contacted by a leader of a militant organization who is involved in a sinister plot to overthrow the United States Government. If Ron will help them with their bold plan, he will be shown the location of the most famous lost mine in the world.

221 pages, photographs and map
Cover by Odessa Kelley
Self-Published, 2005



by Ron Feldman

The story centers around Ron Feldman, wilderness guide, novelist and treasure hunter. Ron is contacted by a leader of a militant organization who is involved in a sinister plot to overthrow the United States Government. If Ron will help them with their bold plan, he will be shown the location of the most famous lost mine in the world. His choice will lead you on a trail of treasure worth millions.” A lost treasure tale wrapped in a political thriller in which Feldman finds what is left of the Lost Dutchman Mine. Interesting and enjoyable.

Of particular note are the Epilogue and Appendix which detail Feldman’s non-fictional activities with H.E.A.T. (Historical Explorations and Treasures) as he sought and received a permit from the U.S. Forest Service to investigate a mine in the Superstition Wilderness he refers to in the story as Geronimo’s Cave.

This is fascinating and of real significance. Quoting the Appendix (the Archeological Report on the mine prepared by Dr. Glenn E. Rice and Eric Steinbach):

“Although H.E.A.T. found no gold in the mine (and indeed, no other artifacts other than the support beams), the investigation has documented a type of mine that, on the basis of technology and archival research, must pre-date 1860, and thus is very likely to be an example of a mine excavated during the Mexican period of influence in the Arizona Territory. The documentation of the Appendix provides an historical basis to the stories and traditions concerning Mexican-era mines in the Superstition Wilderness, and contradicts the general consensus in the historic literature that there were no Mexican mining ventures in the Superstition Wilderness.”